Connecting Youngsters to Nature (CYN)

cyn final logo

Mother Earth is covered by 75% of water and 1/4ths of land out of which only 31% comprises of Forest Cover which shelters the majority of flora and fauna of the world. It is uncertain whether our future generations will have the privilege of being with nature, as our forest cover is deteriorating at an alarming rate rising concerns over the issue. The melting of the polar ices, rising sea-levels, ozone layer depletion, extinction of various species are but a few effects, which are integrating to a bigger catastrophe. How much ever humanity develops in the field of technology and innovations, it is impossible for them to restore or replace the intricate balance by which nature functions.


Today large number of youth are busy complaining and wasting their precious time in stuff which yields no growth, parallely there are large forest areas ceasing to exist. Connecting Youngsters to Nature (CYN) has been founded as a solution to both faces of the coin. On one hand it gives a whole new dimension of utilizing the major population(youth) involving the vibrant community by educating them and instilling volunteerism in order to protect wildlife.

The key aspects of the project.

1. Since the teach-ability of the subject is such that it can be easily demonstrated ‘by’ and ‘to’ the Youth, various projects will be implemented in Schools, Colleges and hence will be a sync with any EDUCATIONAL projects.

2. Replication of the model in all parts of the world, and understanding of the diverse habitats, culture and methods involved by the natives would also mean CULTURE EXCHANGE which could solve other pressing global issues.

3. Nature-Walk, Bird-Watching, Wildlife Photography, Screening of Movies on wildlife conservation, Campaigns and rallies for creating awareness in the society are just a few to name of the activities what CYN would be conducting, which ensures a better understanding of the world around.

4. Working Closely with Global Organisations of repute to mobilize fund raisers for various activities, means recognition and associations in the CORPORATE sector.

5. R&D for developing various models and technologies for wildlife conservation.

What have been some successes you have had?

1. Featured on as the top 37 projects from across the globe.
2. It is one of the partnered project with IU Cares Foundation.
3. Reached out and impacted 45,000+ youngster in just two years time.
4. Planted 5000+ saplings in and around Bangalore City (India)
5. Donated 8000+ samplings across India.
6. Conducted 125+ Wildlife Documentary/Film screenings across India.
7. We have been actively creating events in 7 major cities (Bangalore, Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Tumkur, Kundapur, Ahmadabad) in India.
How can others help you accomplish these goals?

1. Participating
2. Volunteering
3. Funding
4. Interning
5. Collaborating
6. Sharing the information (Online/Offline)


“Let’s Together Build A Greener World”